Frequently Asked Questions

Get in touch for additional information

for a quote …..How much does a Feng Shui consultation cost?
This also varies individually and depends on the consulting project and the duration of the consultation. A daily rate is € 1,400,00 plus VAT. VAT. Travel and hotel costs may be added. Please take that as a first clue. We will be happy to provide you with an individual cost estimate after we have received information about the project and object.

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 Ggf. Videogespräch möglich, z.B. per Skype, Facetime, Zoom etc.

sich per Bildschirm schon mal in die Augen sehen um evtl. eine fundierte persönliche Einschätzung vornehmen zu können

  1. Schritt ein persönliches (Vor-)Gespräch mit dem/der Berater*Inn ggr. anbieten wird es angeboten?

Kunde sollte sich vor der Kontaktaufnahme eine Liste, was er fragen möchte und was für ihn bei einer Beratung wichtig ist.

Because a Feng Shui consultant sees things in the consultation object that the resident no longer notices. The surrounding buildings are important, as is the condition of the garden and what plants are there. How does a visitor get to the house, the apartment, the shop? What does he see, what does he go through? What’s happening in the neighborhood?

It works from outside in – this is, I start by analyzing the outdoor space (the plot) and neighborhood, then the property itself outside and room by room.

betriebsblind, outsider easier to see the bigger picture

In an initial conversation the meaning and purpose of the consultation will by defined and what you would like to optimize. I will then then record all the important data. Compass measurements are taken. And walk around outside the house and through all the rooms. As a rule, photos of the property will be taken with your consent, which will of course be deleted once the work has been completed.

It is then an individual decision whether the consultant will do all the work on site or continue processing the data and measurements in their own office and then meet with the client again.

At the end there is always a detailed final meeting on site. I walk you through the process and explain what is needed to be changed and how. All relevant points in the house, apartment, garden, office, shop, etc. are defined and the recommendations are explained. We will walk around together…./ There will be another inspection of the house. 

Inside and outside cant be separated, as they work together

A Feng Shui rule says: The majority of beneficial energy is generated outdoors. This statement gives us a clear picture of how important the garden and its design is. It is not important to us to name exact plants or assign beds. When giving Feng Shui garden advice, we look more at paths, entrance situations, water positioning and a certain design language, which is important in order to gain the best possible chi for your house. However, since inside and outside are always related to one another, the garden and house should be viewed together for effective Feng Shui advice.

I will need floor plans, topographical maps or cadastral extracts and, in certain cases, your date of birth. … We will also ask you to take photos on site. Of course we guarantee discretion, the pictures will be deleted after the end of the consultation.