Feng Shui consultations
The focus of my work is helping people.
Feng Shui can be applied to almost every situation and task. A Feng Shui consultant´s goal is to provide you with the “remedy”, a proposal for implementation. If implemented according to the advice, the Feng Shui remedy will bring about a transformation (of the current situation).
In our fast-paced society, it has become increasingly important for our home to be a haven of peace where we can rest, recover, and recharge our batteries. More than ever, family happiness and maintaining our health have become important.
When it comes to Feng Shui in business context, the focus shifts, and the priorities change. The greatest asset of any company are motivated employees and creating an atmosphere for them to feel comfortable and thrive in is crucial. However, once this is achieved, the results will be obvious through better performance, less sick leave, more fluid communication and better collaboration between departments.

What you also might want to know about (a consultation)
Personally, I prefer to conduct on-site consultations, for several reasons. During the consultation I see things that the person/client no longer notices because they have become so used to it. My attention might be drawn onto a detail you thought its insignificant, unimportant. Also, it is crucial/important to me to feel the situation and what I encounter upon arrival. Remember, those first impressions count, right?
Feng Shui works true to the (hermetic) motto ”As above – so below, as below – so above. As inside – so outside, as outside – so inside. As in the big, so in the small.” Surroundings are, therefore, of great importance, because it’s here where that energy – Chi – which nourishes the house/building/property and its occupants, is generated. How does a visitor get to the house, the office, the shop? What’s the entrance situation like? The state of the garden, the outdoor space? The inside and outside are always related to one another and can’t be separated. In fact, they should be analysed together and treated as a whole. Therefore, I start checking the property from outside, the facade and then inside, room by room.
I work with a modern approach and, of course, respect your own style, considering this when selecting items and adapting the proposed solutions to it. What, or how much needs to be addressed varies from case to case. Interpreting the classic hexagram Feng Shui methods creatively, combined with my design expertise, I use simple means to redesign your space. A feature in the right position outdoors, a redesigned entrance situation, a different door or wall colour, or changing a bed or desk position and/or direction can make a big difference.
Each consultation is special/highly individual. To make you an offer, tailored to your needs, I will need more information about the object/project. For example purpose and scope of the desired intervention, the type, size, and location of the object. Don’t hesitate to call or email me, as, in a preliminary conversation, we can discuss exactly what I can help you with.

Further consultancy services
In addition, I am happy to help you beyond the scope of a Feng Shui consultation. Upon request, I would be happy to advise you in my capacity as an architect and interior designer. I can help you with all the necessary planning work, as well as overseeing its implementation (including applying for permits) – be it conversion, expansion, or renovation. I also do interiors projects for private and commercial spaces -from bespoke solutions, custom made kitchens, bathrooms and furniture down to the small details.