Feng Shui - Walk talk

With an architect on tour in Stockholm.

My new project, started this year, are guided thematic Feng Shui tours.

I heartly welcome all who are curious about Feng Shui, and/or want to learn more about it. 

Together we will explore how Feng Shui applies in our built environment -homes and offices. I’ll explain some Feng Shui concepts, and we’ll look at several examples and discuss theses principles in practice. My intention is to share my knowledge with you, as well as offering a general understanding about the subject, plus, to awaken your curiosity.

For all those of you, who have already have attended Feng Shui classes or workshops, or are just in the middle of such, advanded walk-talks are planned and about to kick off in spring. 


16 February, Sunday, 10.30-11.45 h


Looking “over the fence” in a housing area.

02 March, Sunday, 10.30-11.45 h

Colours, shapes ...

Feng Shui  – light, proportions, scale, perspectives …

26 March, Wensday, 16.30-17.45 h


Experience Feng Shui in the middle of Stochholm.